Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 1 - Provo MTC

Things are great here, time goes by really fast. I seriously feel like I've been here for one very long day. Today I went to the temple which was nice. The Provo temple looks like a space ship though. I feel very comfortable here even though the food hurts me very much.

It's important to write missionaries often! Lizzi sent me a wonderful care package my first day...she's so great. Is anything interesting going on? I would love to know. How is grandma? I won't be able to respond to this until Monday because that's the only day I have even a little bit of free time.

I don't know what else to say other than I'm having a great time. I'm learning a lot. My district is awesome including my companion. We all get along really well and like practicing teaching each other the first discussion...that's the only discussion we know so far. On Tuesday we start teaching it to the MTC teachers so that might be a little intense. It's nice to come here and see so many people who are just like me and feel like we all are lacking in gospel knowledge. But soon enough I will be a professional and will be in Canada in no time.

Everyone here says time goes fast and they aren't kidding! I've almost been here a week and it feels like only hours. Sorry this email kind of sucks but I don't know what else to tell you except I'm going through major withdrawls of caffeine ... I guess I was addicted because I'm constantly falling asleep and I have the worst headache in the world! One nice thing about not having soda is a pee a lot less...but the intense headache makes me forget the good things.

I thought I was going to gain weight here and I am in fact losing weight!!!! I'm serious!!! I don't know what's going on but it can't be good it's probably the lack of caffeine so if you wanted to send a special care package that would be swell. And if you wanted to send some Bedhead Daily Clean Up shampoo and Conditioner that wouldn't be too shabby either. You can buy it at Walmart but only the Washington one. The Bloomington one is ghetto.

Anyway, I have to log off because the computer only gives me 30 minutes each day and it's going to kick me off soon. WRITE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETTERS ARE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I CAN READ THEM EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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